Growing Together Growing Strong
Farmer Clem’s garden centre offers annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees and botanical delights of all kinds. We also have knowledgeable and friendly staff to serve you. If you have questions about what will work best for your garden ask our experts.
Store Hours: 9:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M.

5 Veggies That Grow Best in Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia is known for our relatively short growing season and unpredictable weather. As planting season falls upon on us, it’s time for us gardeners to start planning our food gardens. Here are 5 of the best vegetable crops to grow this season to withstand our cool springs & warm and rainy summers!
Peas will thrive in cool & moist weather, which is perfect for our Nova Scotian springs. These can be planted from early April, all the way into June to be ready for mid-summer harvesting. Peas are also a nitrogen-fixing plant, so plant these with heavy feeders such as tomatoes!
Leafy Greens
Leafy greens such as lettuce, kale, and swiss chard thrive in Nova Scotia. These plants love cool weather, which means they can be planted early and harvested all season long, especially in fall when the weather starts to cool again. Some of these plants such as kale, can even stand to grow in snowy weatrher.
Beans are arguably one of the easiest vegetables to grow in the Maritimes. As nitrogen fixing plants, they can tolerate poor soils better than other plants can, and are another good companion for your heavy feeders. Both pole beans and bush beans do well in our climate, and if planted in time, can be ready for harvest in mid summer and early fall.
Tomatoes are an excellent low-maitenance vegetable to simply grow in pots on the balcony, raised beds, or in your veggie garden. Early June is the best time to plant these, as they require the hot summer heat to produce large fruit. Tomatoes are heavy feeders, so they require rich healthy soil. Try planting alongside veggies in the pea family and watch them grow!
Peppers are another low-maitenance vegetable that does well in many Nova Scotian gardens. Most pepper varieties are versatile in where they are planted, so these plants make another great option for container gardening, especially if you have limited space. Peppers love hot summers and full sun. Most varieties are also pest-resistant, adding to their low-maitenance appeal.

Our History
How It All Began
Farmer Clem’s beginnings date back to 1961, when an 11 year old farm boy from Shubenacadie needed to earn enough money for a C.C.M bicycle. His mother suggested selling garden seeds door to door, which was very well supported by neighbours and friends. He planted the seeds that he had left over in his mother’s family garden, selling the produce to the local Co-op.
After getting a taste for the retail business, Vernon open his first retail market when he was 16. Renting a small abandoned store from a retired gentleman, who was so keen to see a young boy start a business, that he only charged a basket of apples for the entire summer’s rent.
During March Break of his last year of High School he had enough money to purchase his first piece of property and build his own retail building. The market was very successful. The following year while at University he was able to purchase land in Sydney and build another market. During the 70’s, 80’s and early 90’s, the business grew to ten locations thoughout Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.
In the late 90s and early 2000s the garden centre business was overwhelmed with competition from chain stores, which made it financially difficult to operate in many areas of the province. So the decision was made to focus on one location, here in Hammond Plains, which has been a resounding success . His loyal staff has been with the him for years, their knowledge and friendly attitude are the key element to which he owes his success!
Farmer Clem’s Garden Center is truly a local business, with over 60 years of serving your gardening needs!

1447 Hammonds Plains Road
Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia
B4B 1P6
902 832 9462
"Your Input Will Help Us Grow"
Gift Cards Available
Please feel free to call (902 832 9462) or visit our store and we will be more than happy to provide you with gift certificates of any denomination.